Tuesday, March 02, 2010

It's been that long!

Time passes quickly, but you don't realize how quickly til you check your blog and you're like oh my holy hell, the last time it's been updated, was December! YIKES...

Today is a day of spring. It looks like spring. It feels like spring. My six year old is coughing like it's spring. Therefore it must be spring. I have, however, spent enough time in Colorado to know that we've got a few more cold days, and a snowstorm or two left to go, before we can honestly yell about spring.


Happy Spring-like day!

And to celebrate this spring-like day, I shall remain here, home, with my coughing 'allergic to spring' child, and plant some seeds indoors. Because, yeah, sure, I can take the day off from work for my sick kid and you know, do laundry and clean, or, I can do fun spring stuff, like plant seeds.

Cuz I sure as heck n crap didn't stay home to clean and do laundry!


David said...

Welcome back! Again!

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Glad to see you here.

Lahdeedah said...

I know, huh? I leave, I come back, I leave...

It's the style though. Forever I was a blogger about staying home and writing and then I went to work. Ack. But I think I've got it sorted.

Lunch is for blogging!