Tuesday, September 04, 2007

green watermelon toothpaste

It was an okay day, for the most part. I've been suffering from 'kid overdose' and will probably let the children play outside at midnight for a bit. But overall, it was okay...


...... and then...


Bear used green watermelon toothpaste to draw on the carpet.




Jean-Luc Picard said...

That's a flavour of toothpaste I haven't seen!

MommasWorld said...

Sounds like a better idea than using it in his mouth.he.he.he. I HATE the taste of kids toothpaste. I had to use it once or twice when I ran out of Mommy toothpaste.

I have used Resovle and Resolve spot remover on many things. Most recently I left a paint lid on the table and Kitten walked across the table and then across my white carpet. The paint was RED! The Resolve spot remover got it out with just a couple of squirts. Love that stuff!