Tuesday, January 17, 2006


I made the worst stroganoff. It was awful. Nobody really ate much of it. I think I added the sour cream in to the pan when the pan was too hot. I ended up mainly eating my new favorite snack, popcorn riddled with chocolate chips... you know, the kind you use in tollhouse cookies? Those little chocolate morsels. Toss a small handful into your popcorn, shake, and you have your fill of both chocolate and a filling popcorn snack.

I was going to write tonight, but husband's first day at new job, so he wanted to gab for two hours. Then I had errands to do online, so instead, I'm going to get everything set up for tomorrow. I have the gym, playtime pals, and hopefully, writing chapter nine. It sucks that writing a novel isn't considered work unless you have already written a novel and are under contract for another one. I mean, I see the logic, obviously, but still. For those of us unpublished writers, it is a major balancing act, isnt' it.

I was going to write this afternoon but ended up napping. Mainly for my muscles. My body hasn't had to work at anything in so long, that one day at the gym about did it in. Yikes. And tomorrow I'm going again, though mainly for cardio, but still. I am going to see a trainer for five sessions, to see if it does any good. Hopefully, it will.

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