Saturday, June 10, 2006

Little Ballerina

I love this Kent Parks Rec. program. I have seen nothing like it!

My daughter did her spring recital, "A Brand New World." It was brilliant. The high school auditorium was packed. She was a star. Her movements flowed, she and the other girls tried their best, andit was her moment in the spotlight.

The show they put on was amazing. There were three shows all day long and she was in the third show. Each show consisted of different dance classes. We saw pre-ballerinas, pre-tappers, jazzers, hip hoppers, cheerleaders, ballet, the second ballet class, jazz and tap, and my favorite, Irish softshoe and Irish hardshoe...

The place was filled. The thing I liked about it the most was that it's about all the kids, not just one or two. It's about giving them confidence, a chance to shine, a chance to perform, it's not 'try out' or 'see if you can get a part.' I mean, that is important, but that can come later, if it's something kids want to pursue. This is about the kids. And yes, there were adults, too, the advanced tap show was a lot of fun, but mostly kids. The amusing thing? Not one boy. Apparently, I'm the only mom who's even considering dance for her sons... I can't help it! I mean, come on! It's great for kids!

Anyhow, this Kent Parks and Rec also has sports for preschoolers on up as well as tons of other classes for oh well here this is the link to the summer program, which is smaller than the fall and spring one. I love the summer park series, it's all free! We're going to hit the parks.

Drama girl wants to continue ballet, and also add Irish Softshoe, so that should keep her busy in the fall. She did SOOOO WELLL.... this was the first time she was ever in front of a big audience, and she was nervous, but didn't show :) So proud of her!

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