Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Well, here I am

It's been a while, I admit. But I've been busy. I set up the play area downstairs, so mostly the kids takeover of the basement and expulsion of the upstairs living area is almost done. Need to move some things to the garage and move one big thing around downstairs and that is that. However, this is not a good time because my plants also have just arrived! I had left one box lingering in the garage and finally opened it up and pulled them out because if they sit any longer, they will die. I then opened the second box. I've got to plant them sometime this week. I'll probably plant them this weekend. I'm not sure where to put them all though! I have the garden plan, but I'm not stictly following it. So on top of all that, I have guests coming next week! Yikes.

Also, McRed has been put on 'demolish all living things in the backyard' duty with me. I'm not sure when we are going to attack the yard, but it will be sooner than later. I started on it, but it's defeated me, and I can't do it alone, particularly since for me, alone means with two heat-sensitive complaining toddlers. I want it done before it gets hot enough for me to bring the pool out back. They will romp free of weeds dang it! McRed informed me that when he gets out there, every living green thing will go. I'm okay with that... except for the things I planted, the roses and the things in the garden beds, but mostly, the things i'm worried about are on the path, so he can kill it all. Hopefully before it rains again and sets everything on another growing frenzy.

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